Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Review by Sam Snyder

Image result for all fall down
(Image from

If you like mysteries and teenage shenanigans, then you will love All Fall Down by Ally Carter.. This book is about a girl whose Grandfather is the ambassador for the U.S. Her mother had died three years back in a fire that was supposedly an “accident”, which is not what Grace thinks (or should I say, knows). Grace was there the moment her mother was shot and killed, she knew exactly what happened and who did it. Or so she thought.

Three years after her mother’s death, her father decides to send her to Adria to live with her Grandfather in the U.S. Embassy. While she is there she finds new friends who courageously decide to help her find the “Scarred Man” who shot and killed her mother. The mystery takes them throughout Embassy Row. Will Grace and her friends find the truth in this tragic death of her mother?

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